Today was a fun –day with Elder White. We just wandered around downtown Santiago and as we wandered, we talked and I realized that I really consider Elder White a friend. To be honest, I think that he is the first real friend that I have found in the mission. There were 2 half miracles that happened today that if you add together would make one full miracle.
Well today we also went to a funeral (my first) and when
people started talking amongst themselves after the service, they began to hug
and cry. We found ourselves in the
middle of this awkward situation, which for me wasn’t all that awkward since I
am a huggy kind of a person. (guilt free
funeral hugs)
April 23, 2015
Today was really rough. It was a long day of contacting in
the streets with lots of rejection. The
most productive part of today was helping Elder White edit and spice up his
entrance essays for BYU. We finally got
them finished and sent off. I was also
able to print off a list of Chilean idioms that I can learn.
Miracle #212: I finished the Book of Mormon in Spanish
The funny part of the day was when we were editing the paper
and we kept finding part where Elder White’s Spanish came through in his
writing. I just laughed and told him
that it was lucky that he had a gringo comp who hadn’t been in the mission long
enough to forget his English. We laughed a ton today.
April 24, 2015
Today was good but only for couple of reasons. One of the
thing is that I am now learning how to write cursive which is something that I
refused to learn when I was home schooled despite my mother’s best
efforts. Another thing is that Elder
White got to teach violin lessons to a member today. We had 2 bad lessons today but 1 amazing and miraculous one.
Miracle #213: A. was so sick that he can barely walk,
but he promised us that no matter what, he is going to make it to church this
The funny part of the day was the ridiculousness of my
companion. One time, for example, he
offered to buy a bon-o-bon candy for a member.
When she jokingly accepted, he made me walk 4 blocks with him just to go
and buy the dumb thing. I love my
comp! The worst lesson of the day was
right at the end of the day and left us both with a bad feeling. We decided to read a chapter of the book of
Mormon to help us put it behind us, and it worked!
April 25, 2015
Today turned out to be pretty good even thought most of our
appointments completely fell through.
The reason today turned out really well is because we got a list of
members printed out and we have started going to all the houses on the
list. We have about 600 members in our
ward, but only 80 active members come to church. WOW! We
have some work to do.
Miracle #214: THE LIST! We already have found 5 families who have
marked appointments with us to come back and teach them.
The funny part of the day was when Elder White and I were in
a lesson and the guys son walked in the room with a very attractive
girlfriend. They, being very polite
Chileans, greeted us with the customary Chilean kiss on the cheek. I did my duty fending off the beautiful
girlfriend by telling her that as missionaries we can’t greet people in that
April 26, 2015
Well today was really mediocre. The best part of the day was B.’s talk in
church. As a new member, he gave a great
talk on listening to others. He did a
great job of making every member in our ward feel deeply about the
neglectfulness towards investigators and new members. Our ward is horrible at fellowshipping. After B.’s talk everyone left with a new
resolution to be better and help more. After church B. lest with us to visit a
member and do some contacting.
Miracle #214:
B. had a rough week where he almost decided to leave the church, but
then he found the strength to get refocused and is now stronger than ever.
Follow up on miracle #213: A. did actually come to
church making it a true miracle!!! It was so great to see him there.
There wasn’t anything especially funny today but most of the
day we laugh and joke. One of the things
that I learned today was about some of the problem elders in our area a while
back. They did some really terrible
things. They used to have competitions
to see who could kick the most dogs in a day, but it would only could if they
kicked them hard enough to make them yelp.
There are other stories but I will save them for another day.
April 27, 2015
Today was a decent day.
We started with morning contacts and then came home. My ankle was strong enough that I am now able
to do insanity again..WOOO HOOOO!!!!
After that we had a massive lunch. Seriously, this sister gave each of
the missionaries 1 kilo of lasagna, tons of salad, bread, and 2 bananas. For the first time in my mission I was not
able to eat my entire lunch. It was so
The funny part of the day was making a cat trap. We have a stray cat in our backyard that
always tears into our garbage. We really want to get rid of the cat so we are
hoping to the trap will work. Knowing
the missionaries here, we will probably catch it then spray it with a little
water and let it loose.
April 28, 2105
Today we had an awesome zone conference. Basically I was just motivated to work harder
and learn more about the gospel. I have heard about zone conferences where a
mission president will yell at the missionaries, but our president doesn’t do
that. President Cook just loves us and
treats us like a true representative of Christ.
Every zone conference there is a question and answer session at the end
and my companion and I asked a few questions like: “How can we improve our
fasts?” and “How can I really know and help
my investigators know if their prayers are sincere?” The president gave us really helpful and
practical answers. He taught us to find
a specific purpose for our fast and pray and focus on the purpose throughout
the fast. My miracle of the day came in
answer to the question about sincere prayers.
Miracle # 217: El Presidente said “Elder Colvin, I
can’t tell you when your prayers are sincere, but you know when they are. But I can tell you that you should not worry
because your Father is listening to you.” This was my miracle because this has
been a huge doubt of mine for a while, and his answer brought a strong sense of
peace to my soul and I know that it is true.
The funny part of the day was when and insanely high person
started talking to my companion while I was contacting someone else. This crack head gradually stripped his layers
off until he only had a tank-top on.
Then he proceeded to explain how he was no one and everyone at the same
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